Alexa, which is owned by Amazon, used to analyze traffics and track our site statistics.
Do you all know how it is calculated?
If not mistaken, the Alexa is calculated based on sample of website users who have downloaded the Alexa Toolbar.
On a recent day, I found that my Alexa Ranking is 360,000++(Increased from 4mil 3 months ago). The implications are very straightforward, if you are a heavy user on Alexa Toolbar, perform own browsing on your site and having those users visit your site then it will affect your Alexa’s ranking significantly.
From my personal analysis, most of the Alexa users are webmasters and online marketers.
Generate NOT FAIR result
The Alexa Toolbar works only with the Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browser. Other browsers will be undercounted. For instance, the AOL/Netscape browser is not supported, thus Alexa collects little traffic from AOL users.
The Alexa Toolbar works only on Windows OS. The traffic to any sites, which is other OS, will be undercounted.
Just my 0.02, if you need accurate ranking results; keep the Alexa browser off your own computer. Focus on Google Analytics, dont do comparison with other’s people ranking anymore!
Oh well, sometimes these analytics tools have their own way of calculating and would definitely have biasness. So I guess no web tool is essentially perfect but it all depends on what the user/company wants to study and how much they value the results of each tool. I think Alexa is great but might need some tweaking to make it better.
if alexa is not accurate..u think still got any tools that can determine the accuracy of the ranking??
there is three ways to have good alexa ranking for your site
i would rather have the code in the site…therefore it will detects every users for your website only..and other website will not get the benefit of your visit…hehe…actually too many toolbar is quite toolbar is enough