People will spend more with credit cards than cash. When one restaurant started to allow people to use credit cards, the average sale will be increased as well. I own multiple credit cards but currently concentrate on Citibank Cash Back credit card that provides me more privileges. Ideally, we should only pick the most suitable credit card for our lifestyle.
Know More On Cash Back Credit Cards
These days, almost every credit card issuer provides some type cash back or rebate program.
Cash back credit cards allow you to earn instant rewards anytime you use your credit card to make payment. Thus, every purchase that you make will give you automatic cash back of up to 2% every month.
Actually, the main purpose of cash back credit card is just to help you lower your outstanding balances. Cash back will only be awarded when the accumulated cash back for that particular month reaches MYR 5 else it will be carried forward to the next month.
After my careful survey and analysis, I observed that the amounts incurred in respect of any balance transfer, flexi payment plan & petrol spend will not be taken into the calculation of cash back rewards.
Note: Don’t fall into the credit card company’s trap and misuse cash back credit cards to generate a huge debt you unable to handle. Interest rates are normally higher; in the end you’ll be paying more if you carry with a balance.
hi David..
i hv citibank credit card before but i cancelled it after a year cos firstly, ipoh doesnt have that bank here and each time, i hv to go and get it done in the banks or send chq.. so eventually, i off it.. haha..
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